MySensors Library & Examples  2.3.2-62-ge298769
Macros | Functions
RF24.h File Reference
#include "RF24registers.h"
+ Include dependency graph for RF24.h:

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#define RF24_SPI   hwSPI
 default SPI
#define DEFAULT_RF24_CE_PIN   (9)
#define DEFAULT_RF24_CS_PIN   (SS)
#define LOCAL   static
#define RF24_BROADCAST_ADDRESS   (255u)
#define RF24_CONFIGURATION   (uint8_t) (RF24_CRC_16 << 2)
#define RF24_FEATURE   (uint8_t)( _BV(RF24_EN_DPL))
#define RF24_RF_SETUP   (uint8_t)(( ((MY_RF24_DATARATE & 0b10 ) << 4) | ((MY_RF24_DATARATE & 0b01 ) << 3) | (MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL << 1) ) + 1)
 RF24_RF_SETUP, +1 for Si24R1 and LNA.
#define RF24_POWERUP_DELAY_MS   (100u)
 Power up delay, allow VCC to settle, transport to become fully operational.
#define RF24_BROADCAST_PIPE   (1u)
#define RF24_NODE_PIPE   (0u)
#define RF24_readByteRegister(__reg)   RF24_RAW_readByteRegister(RF24_CMD_READ_REGISTER | (RF24_REGISTER_MASK & (__reg)))
#define RF24_writeByteRegister(__reg, __value)   RF24_RAW_writeByteRegister(RF24_CMD_WRITE_REGISTER | (RF24_REGISTER_MASK & (__reg)), __value)
#define RF24_writeMultiByteRegister(__reg, __buf, __len)   RF24_spiMultiByteTransfer(RF24_CMD_WRITE_REGISTER | (RF24_REGISTER_MASK & (__reg)),(uint8_t *)__buf, __len,false)


LOCAL void RF24_csn (const bool level)
 RF24_csn. More...
LOCAL void RF24_ce (const bool level)
 RF24_ce. More...
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_spiMultiByteTransfer (const uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t len, const bool readMode)
 RF24_spiMultiByteTransfer. More...
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_spiByteTransfer (const uint8_t cmd)
 RF24_spiByteTransfer. More...
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_RAW_readByteRegister (const uint8_t cmd)
 RF24_RAW_readByteRegister. More...
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_RAW_writeByteRegister (const uint8_t cmd, const uint8_t value)
 RF24_RAW_writeByteRegister. More...
LOCAL void RF24_flushRX (void)
LOCAL void RF24_flushTX (void)
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_getStatus (void)
 RF24_getStatus. More...
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_getFIFOStatus (void) __attribute__((unused))
 RF24_getFIFOStatus. More...
LOCAL void RF24_openWritingPipe (const uint8_t recipient)
 RF24_openWritingPipe. More...
LOCAL void RF24_startListening (void)
LOCAL void RF24_stopListening (void)
LOCAL void RF24_sleep (void)
LOCAL void RF24_standBy (void)
LOCAL void RF24_powerDown (void)
LOCAL void RF24_powerUp (void)
LOCAL bool RF24_sendMessage (const uint8_t recipient, const void *buf, const uint8_t len, const bool noACK=false)
 RF24_sendMessage. More...
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_getDynamicPayloadSize (void)
 RF24_getDynamicPayloadSize. More...
LOCAL bool RF24_isDataAvailable (void)
 RF24_isDataAvailable. More...
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_readMessage (void *buf)
 RF24_readMessage. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setNodeAddress (const uint8_t address)
 RF24_setNodeAddress. More...
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_getNodeID (void)
 RF24_getNodeID. More...
LOCAL bool RF24_sanityCheck (void)
 RF24_sanityCheck. More...
LOCAL bool RF24_initialize (void)
 RF24_initialize. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setChannel (const uint8_t channel)
 RF24_setChannel. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setRetries (const uint8_t retransmitDelay, const uint8_t retransmitCount)
 RF24_setRetries. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setAddressWidth (const uint8_t addressWidth)
 RF24_setAddressWidth. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setRFSetup (const uint8_t RFsetup)
 RF24_setRFSetup. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setFeature (const uint8_t feature)
 RF24_setFeature. More...
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_getFeature (void)
 RF24_getFeature. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setPipe (const uint8_t pipe)
 RF24_setPipe. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setAutoACK (const uint8_t pipe)
 RF24_setAutoACK. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setDynamicPayload (const uint8_t pipe)
 RF24_setDynamicPayload. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setRFConfiguration (const uint8_t configuration)
 RF24_setRFConfiguration. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setPipeAddress (const uint8_t pipe, uint8_t *address, const uint8_t addressWidth)
 RF24_setPipeAddress. More...
LOCAL void RF24_setPipeLSB (const uint8_t pipe, const uint8_t LSB)
 RF24_setPipeLSB. More...
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_getObserveTX (void)
 RF24_getObserveTX. More...
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_setStatus (const uint8_t status)
 RF24_setStatus. More...
LOCAL void RF24_enableFeatures (void)
LOCAL uint8_t RF24_getTxPowerPercent (void)
 RF24_getTxPowerPercent. More...
LOCAL int16_t RF24_getTxPowerLevel (void)
 RF24_getTxPowerLevel. More...
LOCAL bool RF24_setTxPowerPercent (const uint8_t newPowerPercent)
 RF24_setTxPowerPercent. More...
LOCAL int16_t RF24_getSendingRSSI (void)
 RF24_getSendingRSSI. More...
LOCAL void RF24_enableConstantCarrierWave (void) __attribute__((unused))
 Generate a constant carrier wave at active channel & transmit power (for testing only).
LOCAL void RF24_disableConstantCarrierWave (void) __attribute__((unused))
 Stop generating a constant carrier wave (for testing only).
LOCAL bool RF24_getReceivedPowerDetector (void) __attribute__((unused))
 Retrieve latched RPD power level, in receive mode (for testing, nRF24L01+ only). More...