ioBroker is not just an application, it's more of a a concept, a database schema, and offers a very easy way for systems to inter operate. ioBroker defines some common rules for a pair of databases used to exchange data and publish events between different systems.
MySensors is supported through the Serial Gateway and Ethernet Gateway.
- Developed completely in JavaScript.
- Integration with ioBroker takes place through so called adapters, which allows connectivity to other systems running in the network.
- Unique dashboard editor "vis". See examples here.
- Can handle logging of events to many different databases such as MS-SQL, MySQL, PostreSQL, InfluxDB, SQLite and just plain text files.
- Native NodeRed integration for visual scripting with support for hundreds of devices and protocols.
- Scenes and scripts in JavaScript.
- Very modular architecture with possibility to run modules on different PCs, mini computers, NAS and on everything that supports Node.js.
- Simple and easy to use MQTT protocol support.
- ioBroker can run on any OS that supports Node.js like ARM, x86, Windows, Linux, OSX. Recommended is x86 based or ARM based systems like RaspberyPi2/3, BananaPi or Cubietruck running Debian based Linux as operating system.
- The system spawns a new Node.js-process for every adapter instance, so RAM becomes is a limiting factor. A single adapters memory fingerprint is about 10-60MB.
- Large and friendly community on